Author name: Joanna Bates

Book Fair

The Book Fair was lots of fun! We hope that you enjoy reading your new books and we look forward to hearing your recommendations.

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Performing Poetry

In literacy this half term, the Year 3s are learning about Poetry. It has been an exciting start where we have been learning how to understand and interpret poems, as well as perform them. They’re uncovering the meanings behind the words, exploring the sounds and rhythms that make poetry come alive. Through performing and reciting

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Year 5 workshop with EqualiTeach

Yesterday, EqualiTeach led a workshop for Year 5, where they explored identity and stereotypes. The children discussed positive role models and attributes they admire about others and themselves. Sara’s positive role model was David Olusoga, who is the fantastic author of our class novel, ‘Black and British’. Have a look at what she wrote below…

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