Year 3

Performing Poetry

In literacy this half term, the Year 3s are learning about Poetry. It has been an exciting start where we have been learning how to understand and interpret poems, as well as perform them. They’re uncovering the meanings behind the words, exploring the sounds and rhythms that make poetry come alive. Through performing and reciting […]

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Science in Year 3 – Light

The Year 3s have been learning about light and how it bounces off various surfaces. They learn about what makes some surfaces great at reflecting light and others not so much. By doing this experiment, shining light on mirrors , metals and various other objects, the children saw first-hand how light behaves differently depending on

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Year 3 Fieldwork

This week, the year 3 children embarked on a local area walk to explore Shadwell for a geography lesson. Equipped with maps, they navigated their way through familiar streets and landmarks. With enthusiasm, they identified various symbols on the map, marking significant locations such as parks and historical sites. Through this hands-on experience, the children

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Measurement in Year 3

The Year 3s have been learning about measurement! We had a lot of fun learning about litres and millilitres. We played around with pouring water into different containers and measured the volume of water in each. We learned how to measure liquids and compare their amounts.

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Drama in Literacy

Some of the Year 3s enthusiastically participated in a freeze frame drama activity as part of their literacy lesson. Inspired by a book they have been studying, Into the forest, each student brought characters and scenes to life through still, dramatic poses. The classroom was filled with creativity as the children re-enacted key moments from

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