At Blue Gate Fields Junior School, we work hard to nurture awe and wonder in our children through science and strongly believe that children learn best when they are engaged, excited and active learners.
We provide bountiful opportunities for our children to work scientifically by developing the skills to pose and answer scientific questions; make observations and take measurements; use scientific enquiry to answer their questions – including collecting and spotting patterns in data; making observations over time; engaging in fair testing; identifying and classifying; and participating in enquiry-based research activities – record and present evidence; evaluate; and communicate their findings.
To support the learning and understanding of scientific concepts, we provide our children with opportunities to investigate and explore a variety of data: statistics, graphs, pictures and photographs. To further enrich and promote a love of science in our school, we host an annual Science Day in which our budding scientists learn and teach experiments to other classes within our school. We firmly believe in our children working collaboratively with lots of interactive class discussion to develop their language and knowledge of scientific vocabulary.
Our teaching of science develops in children an interest and curiosity about the world in which they live, and fosters in them a respect for the environment which they, and future generations, will benefit from.
Our planning reflects the National Curriculum and focuses on working scientifically. The library resources books to support the curriculum and the school is well stocked with many physical artefacts.